susan odom
Looking For Light: Chemistry, Visual Poetry, Narrative and Aria
Third Annual M.A.S.C. Event at UK (Math, Arts, and Sciences Coalition.)
Exploring the idea of interconnectedness between the arts and sciences and between us all, Vocalist Shareese Arnold, Artist Marjorie Guyon, and Chemist Susan Odom will present a collaborative mixed media performance at the UK Art Museum utilizing speech, projected image, poetic narrative and aria.
In this mixed media performance presentation, scientist Susan Odom will elaborate on her innovative energy research which focuses on utilizing synthetic organic chemistry to create materials for energy collection and storage. Her presentation will explain on the creation and use of pigments in artwork and how light interacts with matter to create what we perceive as different colors, Dr Odom will also explain some of the science unifying art and music. Artist Marjorie Guyon and vocalist Shareese Arnold will use "projected image to demonstrate the ability of an image to inhabit an entire landscape, the power of the narrative and the ability of aria to raise us out of ourselves and into a greater good.”
"See engagement." UK Chemistry Lab Hosts High School Students
Chemistry professor Susan Odom has hosted two Paul Laurence Dunbar High School students in her chemistry laboratory over the past semester, conducting a project that could change the way lithium-ion batteries are produced.