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Avenues of Support

Endowments, Restricted Annual Gifts and Area of Greatest Need Support

The College often receives questions from donors concerning the best way to support Arts & Sciences.  All gifts are valuable, yet here are some facts about areas of support.

Endowment funding is one of the ways to leave a permanent legacy at UK. Endowments exist in perpetuity, with only a portion of the fund's earned interest spent each year and a goal of long-term growth. Endowments may be funded at a minimum of $25,000 payable over a maximum of five years if desired. Donors may select the awarding criteria, to be established in conjunction with the College. The funds are often named in honor or in memory of someone.

Restricted Annual Gifts
Many donors have special interests or passion for areas within the College. These may include research, scholarships, internships, fellowships, faculty support, or general programmatic support for a specific department or program. Donors who wish to contribute an amount to be spent in full annually, a restricted annual gift will be the best avenue. Each College department and program have specific development funds allocated to their priority needs. To give in this manner, simply note the area you wish to support on your contribution.

Area of Greatest Need
The Arts & Sciences Academic Excellence Fund operates as a flexible account supporting college-wide priorities deemed to be the greatest need in any given year. This area of giving operates much like an individual's savings account, with anticipated and sometimes unexpected expenses withdrawn from the fund. For donors who want to help the overall College move forward, this is a good giving option, as it often supports new and emerging initiatives.