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TR Zentall

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Zentall, T. ., Brown, M. ., & Cook, R. . (2010). Introduction to the special issue of behavioral processes in honor of Donald A. Riley. Behavioural Processes, 85(3), 207-8. (Original work published 2010)
Zentall, T. ., & Stagner, J. . (1969). Maladaptive choice behaviour by pigeons: an animal analogue and possible mechanism for gambling (sub-optimal human decision-making behaviour). Proceedings. Biological Sciences The Royal Society, 278(1709), 1203-8. (Original work published)
Zentall, T. . (2011). Maladaptive "gambling" by pigeons. Behavioural Processes, 87(1), 50-6. (Original work published 2011)
Rayburn-Reeves, R. ., Molet, M. ., & Zentall, T. . (2011). Simultaneous discrimination reversal learning in pigeons and humans: anticipatory and perseverative errors. Learning & Behavior, 39(2), 125-37. (Original work published 2011)
Friedrich, A. ., & Zentall, T. . (2011). A differential-outcome effect in pigeons using spatial hedonically nondifferential outcomes. Learning & Behavior, 39(1), 68-78. (Original work published 2011)
Molet, M. ., Alessandri, J. ., & Zentall, T. . (2011). Subjective time: cognitive and physical secondary tasks affect timing differently. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology (2006), 64(7), 1344-53. (Original work published 2011)
Molet, M. ., Miller, H. ., & Zentall, T. . (2011). Acquired equivalence between stimuli trained in the same context. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 18(3), 618-23. (Original work published 2011)
Pattison, K. ., Zentall, T. ., & Watanabe, S. . (2012). Sunk cost: pigeons (Columba livia), too, show bias to complete a task rather than shift to another. Journal of Comparative Psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983), 126(1), 1-9. (Original work published 2012)
Molet, M. ., Miller, H. ., & Zentall, T. . (2012). Acquired equivalence of cues by presentation in a common context in rats. Animal Cognition, 15(1), 143-7. (Original work published 2012)
Miller, H. ., Pattison, K. ., Dewall, C. ., Rayburn-Reeves, R. ., & Zentall, T. . (2010). Self-control without a "self"?: common self-control processes in humans and dogs. Psychological Science, 21(4), 534-8.