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John Patrick Hoben


M.S. Soil Science, 2009
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

B.S. Agriculture (double major in Chemistry), 2004            
Department of Plant and Soil Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Selected Publications:

Hoben, J. P.; Lubner, C. E.; Ratzloff, M. W.; Schut, G. J.; Nguyen, D. M. N.; Hempel, K. W.; Adams, M. W. W.; King, P. W.; Miller, A. F. Equilibrium and ultrafast kinetic studies manipulating electron transfer: a short-lived flavin semiquinone is not sufficient for electron bifurcation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2017, June 14, [Epub ahead of print].
doi: 10.1074/jbc.M117.794214

Hoben, J. P.; Wang, J. N.; Miller, A. F., Unboiling an Egg: An Introduction to Circular Dichroism and Protein Refolding. Journal of Chemical Education 2017, 94 (3), 356-360.

Lubner, C. E.; Jennings, D. P.; Mulder, D. W.; Schut, G. J.; Zadvornyy, O. A.; Hoben, J. P.; Tokmina-Lukaszewska, M.; Berry, L.; Nguyen, D. M.; Lipscomb, G. L.; Bothner, B.; Jones, A. K.; Miller, A. F.; King, P. W.; Adams, M. W. W.; Peters, J. W., Mechanistic insights into energy conservation by flavin-based electron bifurcation. Nature Chemical Biology 2017, 13 (6), 655-659.

Ledbetter, R.; Garcia-Costas, A. M.; Lubner, C. E.; Mulder, D. W; Tokmina-Lukaszewska, M.; Artz, J. H.; Patterson, A.; Magnuson, T; Jay, Z. J.; Duan, H. D.; Miller, J.; Plunkett, M. H.; Hoben J. P.; Barney, B. M.; Carlson R. P.; Miller, A.F.; Bothner, B.; King, P. W.; Peters, J. W.; Seefeldt, L. C., The Electron Bifurcating FixABCX Protein Complex from Azotobacter vinelandii: Generation of Low-Potential Reducing Equivalents for Nitrogenase Catalysis. Biochemistry 2017 Jul 13, [Epub ahead of print].
doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.7b00389

Pitsawong, W.; Hoben, J. P.; Miller, A. F., Understanding the Broad Substrate Repertoire of Nitroreductase Based on Its Kinetic Mechanism. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2014, 289 (22), 15203-15214.

Thelen, K. D.; Gao, J.; Hoben, J.; Qian, L. L.; Saffron, C.; Withers, K., A spreadsheet-based model for teaching the agronomic, economic, and environmental aspects of bioenergy cropping systems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2012, 85, 157-163.

Hoben, J. P.; Gehl, R. J.; Millar, N.; Grace, P. R.; Robertson, G. P., Nonlinear nitrous oxide (N2O) response to nitrogen fertilizer in on-farm corn crops of the US Midwest. Global Change Biology 2011, 17 (2), 1140-1152.

Grace, P. R.; Robertson, G. P.; Millar, N.; Colunga-Garcia, M.; Basso, B.; Gage, S. H.; Hoben, J., The contribution of maize cropping in the Midwest USA to global warming: A regional estimate. Agricultural Systems 2011, 104 (3), 292-296.

Millar, N.; Robertson, G. P.; Grace, P. R.; Gehl, R. J.; Hoben, J. P., Nitrogen fertilizer management for nitrous oxide (N2O) mitigation in intensive corn (Maize) production: an emissions reduction protocol for US Midwest agriculture. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 2010, 15 (2), 185-204.