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Trauma Intervention in Sub-Saharan African Children: A Systematic Literature Review.


Sub-Saharan Africa is a part of the world that is highly affected by a large number of atrocities, causing a myriad of financial, physical health, and mental health consequences. Yet, unfortunately, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), this is also the part of the world that is least served by mental health services. In response, the WHO has created mandates to increase mental health resources and capacity in all countries. Researchers have taken on the work of introducing and adapting treatments in various sub-Saharan African countries with an aim to create sustainable, evidence-based treatment in a part of the world with high need. The current qualitative systematic review of the literature examines 20 articles that report on research conducted in sub-Saharan African countries with children who have suffered different types of traumas. This review answers questions concerning the types of treatments used, the people administering the treatments, the measures they take to adapt these treatments, and the types of outcomes that are seen. Overall, the majority of treatments being used are shown to be effective with the associated populations.

Year of Publication
Trauma, violence & abuse
Number of Pages
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ISSN Number
Short Title
Trauma Violence Abuse
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