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ESR spectroscopy identifies inhibitory Cu2+ sites in a DNA-modifying enzyme to reveal determinants of catalytic specificity.


The relationship between DNA sequence recognition and catalytic specificity in a DNA-modifying enzyme was explored using paramagnetic Cu(2+) ions as probes for ESR spectroscopic and biochemical studies. Electron spin echo envelope modulation spectroscopy establishes that Cu(2+) coordinates to histidine residues in the EcoRI endonuclease homodimer bound to its specific DNA recognition site. The coordinated His residues were identified by a unique use of Cu(2+)-ion based long-range distance constraints. Double electron-electron resonance data yield Cu(2+)-Cu(2+) and Cu(2+)-nitroxide distances that are uniquely consistent with one Cu(2+) bound to His114 in each subunit. Isothermal titration calorimetry confirms that two Cu(2+) ions bind per complex. Unexpectedly, Mg(2+)-catalyzed DNA cleavage by EcoRI is profoundly inhibited by Cu(2+) binding at these hitherto unknown sites, 13 Å away from the Mg(2+) positions in the catalytic centers. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest a model for inhibition of catalysis, whereby the Cu(2+) ions alter critical protein-DNA interactions and water molecule positions in the catalytic sites. In the absence of Cu(2+), the Mg(2+)-dependence of EcoRI catalysis shows positive cooperativity, which would enhance EcoRI inactivation of foreign DNA by irreparable double-strand cuts, in preference to readily repaired single-strand nicks. Nonlinear Poisson-Boltzmann calculations suggest that this cooperativity arises because the binding of Mg(2+) in one catalytic site makes the surface electrostatic potential in the distal catalytic site more negative, thus enhancing binding of the second Mg(2+). Taken together, our results shed light on the structural and electrostatic factors that affect site-specific catalysis by this class of endonucleases.

Year of Publication
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
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Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
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