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Co-pays, Deductibles, and Coinsurance Percentages for Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance in the Private Sector, by Firm Size, 2012


Employer-sponsored health insurance for current workers is one of the primary sources of health insurance coverage in the United States. According to data from the Insurance Component of the 2012 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS-IC), approximately 94.1 million of the 111.1 million employees from the private sector worked where the employer offered health insurance. Of those employees who worked where health insurance was offered, approximately 55.4 million were enrolled (data not shown in figures). This Statistical Brief examines what percentage of enrollees had a deductible in 2012 and the average amount, what percentage had co-pays and the average amount, and what percentage had coinsurance and the average coinsurance percentage. These values are compared by firm size classification. Only those estimates that had a statistically significant difference from the national average at the 0.05 percent significance level are noted in the text.

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