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PH Crowley

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Crowley, P. ., & Hart, M. . (2007). Evolutionary stability of egg trading and parceling in simultaneous hermaphrodites: the chalk bass revisited. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 246(3), 420-9. (Original work published 2007)
Crowley, P. ., & McLetchie, D. . (2002). Trade-offs and spatial life-history strategies in classical metapopulations. The American Naturalist, 159(2), 190-208.
Shenoy, K. ., Cunningham, B. ., Renfroe, J. ., & Crowley, P. . (2009). Growth and survival of northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) tadpoles exposed to two common pesticides. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 28(7), 1469-74.
Crowley, P. ., & Baik, H. . (2010). Variable valuations and voluntarism under group selection: An evolutionary public goods game. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 265(3), 238-44. (Original work published 2010)
Cuadros, D. ., Branscum, A. ., & Crowley, P. . (2012). Authors’ Response to: HIV-malaria co-infection: effects of malaria on the prevalence of HIV in East sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Epidemiology, 41(3), 891-2. (Original work published 2012)
Cuadros, D. ., Branscum, A. ., & Crowley, P. . (2011). HIV-malaria co-infection: effects of malaria on the prevalence of HIV in East sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Epidemiology, 40(4), 931-9.
Crowley, P. ., & Cox, J. . (2011). Intraguild mutualism. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 26(12), 627-33.
Crain, P. ., Mains, J. ., Suh, E. ., Huang, Y. ., Crowley, P. ., & Dobson, S. . (2011). Wolbachia infections that reduce immature insect survival: predicted impacts on population replacement. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 11, 290. (Original work published 2011)
Crowley, P. ., Stieha, C. ., & McLetchie, D. . (2005). Overgrowth competition, fragmentation and sex-ratio dynamics: a spatially explicit, sub-individual-based model. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 233(1), 25-42. (Original work published 2005)