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TA Widiger

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Crego, C. ., , & Widiger, T. . (2020). Obtaining and losing the bipolarity of the five-factor model through factor analysis. Personality Disorders, 11(2), 119-130.
Bagby, R. ., & Widiger, T. . (2020). Assessment of the ICD-11 dimensional trait model: An introduction to the special section. Psychological Assessment, 32(1), 1-7.
McCabe, G. ., & Widiger, T. . (2020). A comprehensive comparison of the ICD-11 and DSM-5 section III personality disorder models. Psychological Assessment, 32(1), 72-84.
Sleep, C. ., Lynam, D. ., Widiger, T. ., Crowe, M. ., & Miller, J. . (2019). An evaluation of DSM-5 Section III personality disorder Criterion A (impairment) in accounting for psychopathology. Psychological Assessment, 31(10), 1181-1191.
Sleep, C. ., Lynam, D. ., Widiger, T. ., Crowe, M. ., & Miller, J. . (2019). Difficulties with the conceptualization and assessment of Criterion A in the DSM-5 alternative model of personality disorder: A reply to Morey (2019). Psychological Assessment, 31(10), 1200-1205.
Widiger, T. ., & Crego, C. . (2019). The Five Factor Model of personality structure: an update. World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), 18(3), 271-272.
, & Widiger, T. . (2020). The Five-Factor Personality Inventory for ICD-11: A facet-level assessment of the ICD-11 trait model. Psychological Assessment, 32(1), 60-71.
Crego, C. ., & Widiger, T. . (2020). The convergent, discriminant, and structural relationship of the DAPP-BQ and SNAP with the ICD-11, DSM-5, and FFM trait models. Psychological Assessment, 32(1), 18-28.
Widiger, T. . (2017). PDTRT special section: Treatment of personality. Personality Disorders, 8(3), 189-190.
Hopwood, C. ., Kotov, R. ., Krueger, R. ., Watson, D. ., Widiger, T. ., Althoff, R. ., … Zimmermann, J. . (2018). The time has come for dimensional personality disorder diagnosis. Personality and Mental Health, 12(1), 82-86.