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C Moreno

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Frank, E. ., Maier, D. ., Pajula, J. ., Suvitaival, T. ., Borgan, F. ., Butz-Ostendorf, M. ., … Orešič, M. . (2018). Platform for systems medicine research and diagnostic applications in psychotic disorders-The METSY project. European Psychiatry : The Journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists. (Original work published 2018)
de Pablo, S. ., Guinart, D. ., Cornblatt, B. ., Auther, A. ., Carrión, R. ., Carbon, M. ., … Correll, C. . DSM-5 Attenuated Psychosis Syndrome in Adolescents Hospitalized With Non-psychotic Psychiatric Disorders. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11, 568982. (Original work published 2020)
Malik, H. ., Sharma, G. ., Moreno, C. ., & Parcha, S. . (2022). A Medley of Malnutrition and Myotonic Dystrophy: Twice Unlucky. Cureus, 14(1), e21180.
Shum, M. ., Moreno, C. ., Kamody, R. ., McCollum, S. ., , & Loyal, J. . (2022). The Evolving Needs of Children Hospitalized for Eating Disorders During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Hospital Pediatrics, 12(8), 696-702. (Original work published 2022)