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GT Smith

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Geary, G. ., Smith, G. ., & McNamara, J. . (1982). Quantitative effect of early coronary artery reperfusion in baboons. Extent of salvage of the perfusion bed of an occluded artery. Circulation, 66(2), 391-6.
Geary, G. ., Smith, G. ., Suehiro, G. ., Zeman, C. ., Siu, B. ., & McNamara, J. . (1982). Quantitative assessment in infarct size reduction by coronary venous retroperfusion in baboons. The American Journal of Cardiology, 50(6), 1424-30.
Smith, G. . (1983). Reasons for continuing education. The Alabama Journal of Medical Sciences, 20(1), 11-3.
Smith, G. ., Stokely, E. ., Lewis, M. ., MD, D. . , Sr, & Bonte, F. . (1984). Error analysis of the double-integral method for calculating brain blood perfusion from inert gas clearance data. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism : Official Journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 4(1), 61-7.
Sheppard, D. ., Smith, G. ., & Rosenbaum, G. . (1988). Use of MMPI subtypes in predicting completion of residential alcoholism treatment program. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 56(4), 590-6.
Smith, G. ., & Crawford, M. . (1988). Twenty-five years of the Alabama Journal of Medical Sciences. The Alabama Journal of Medical Sciences, 25(3), 255-6.
Smith, G. . (1987). The role of the Office of Health Extension, Public Service and Research in continuing education. A revolving door between the society of practicing health professionals and the community of scholars. The Alabama Journal of Medical Sciences, 24(3), 317-9.
Smith, G. . The economics of essential drug programmes. Social Science & Medicine (1982), 25(6), 621-4. (Original work published 1987)
Smith, G. . (1985). Budgeting. Should GPs hold the purse strings?. Health and Social Service Journal, 95(4971), 1338. (Original work published 1985)
Smith, G. ., Moran, T. ., Coyle, J. ., Kuhar, M. ., O’Donahue, T. ., & McHugh, P. . (1984). Anatomic localization of cholecystokinin receptors to the pyloric sphincter. The American Journal of Physiology, 246(1 Pt 2), R127-30.