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CN Dewall

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Martelli, A. ., Chester, D. ., Brown, W. ., Eisenberger, N. ., & Dewall, C. . (2018). When less is more: mindfulness predicts adaptive affective responding to rejection via reduced prefrontal recruitment. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13(6), 648-655. (Original work published 2018)
Chester, D. ., Dewall, C. ., & Enjaian, B. . (2019). Sadism and Aggressive Behavior: Inflicting Pain to Feel Pleasure. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 45(8), 1252-1268.
Chester, D. ., Bell, S. ., Dewall, C. ., West, S. ., Romero-Lopez, M. ., & Craig, A. . (2019). Neural correlates of intertemporal choice in aggressive behavior. Aggressive Behavior, 45(5), 507-516.
Chen, Z. ., Poon, K. ., Dewall, C. ., & Jiang, T. . (2020). Life lacks meaning without acceptance: Ostracism triggers suicidal thoughts. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119(6), 1423-1443.
Van Tongeren, D. ., Dewall, C. ., Chen, Z. ., Sibley, C. ., & Bulbulia, J. . (2021). Religious residue: Cross-cultural evidence that religious psychology and behavior persist following deidentification. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120(2), 484-503.
Chester, D. ., Clark, M. ., & Dewall, C. . (2021). The flux, pulse, and spin of aggression-related affect. Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 21(3), 513-525.
Bell, S. ., Turner, B. ., Sawaki, L. ., & Dewall, C. . (2020). When Brain Stimulation Backfires: The Effects of Prefrontal Cortex Stimulation on Impulsivity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. (Original work published 2020)
Lasko, E. ., Chester, D. ., Martelli, A. ., West, S. ., & Dewall, C. . An investigation of the relationship between psychopathy and greater gray matter density in lateral prefrontal cortex. Personality Neuroscience, 2, e7. (Original work published 2019)
Van Tongeren, D. ., Dewall, C. ., Hardy, S. ., & Schwadel, P. . (2021). Religious Identity and Morality: Evidence for Religious Residue and Decay in Moral Foundations. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 47(11), 1550-1564.
Schwadel, P. ., Hardy, S. ., Van Tongeren, D. ., & Dewall, C. . (2021). The values of religious nones, dones, and sacralized Americans: Links between changes in religious affiliation and Schwartz values. Journal of Personality, 89(5), 867-882.