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CN Dewall

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Maner, J. ., Dewall, C. ., Baumeister, R. ., & Schaller, M. . (2007). Does social exclusion motivate interpersonal reconnection? Resolving the "porcupine problem". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92(1), 42-55.
Baumeister, R. ., Gailliot, M. ., Dewall, C. ., & Oaten, M. . (2006). Self-regulation and personality: how interventions increase regulatory success, and how depletion moderates the effects of traits on behavior. Journal of Personality, 74(6), 1773-801.
Dewall, C. ., Visser, P. ., & Levitan, L. . (2006). Openness to attitude change as a function of temporal perspective. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 32(8), 1010-23.
Dewall, C. ., & Baumeister, R. . (2006). Alone but feeling no pain: Effects of social exclusion on physical pain tolerance and pain threshold, affective forecasting, and interpersonal empathy. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91(1), 1-15.
Baumeister, R. ., Dewall, C. ., Ciarocco, N. ., & Twenge, J. . (2005). Social exclusion impairs self-regulation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(4), 589-604.
Cobb, R. ., Dewall, C. ., Lambert, N. ., & Fincham, F. . (2013). Implicit theories of relationships and close relationship violence: does believing your relationship can grow relate to lower perpetration of violence?. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(3), 279-90.
Chester, D. ., Eisenberger, N. ., RS, P. . , Jr, Richman, S. ., Bushman, B. ., & Dewall, C. . (2014). The interactive effect of social pain and executive functioning on aggression: an fMRI experiment. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9(5), 699-704.
Poon, K. ., Chen, Z. ., & Dewall, C. . (2013). Feeling entitled to more: ostracism increases dishonest behavior. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(9), 1227-39.
Dewall, C. ., Finkel, E. ., Lambert, N. ., Slotter, E. ., Bodenhausen, G. ., RS, P. . , Jr, … Fincham, F. . (1969). The voodoo doll task: Introducing and validating a novel method for studying aggressive inclinations. Aggressive Behavior, 39(6), 419-39. (Original work published 1969)
Webster, G. ., Dewall, C. ., RS, P. . , Jr, Deckman, T. ., Jonason, P. ., Le, B. ., … Bator, R. . (1969). The brief aggression questionnaire: psychometric and behavioral evidence for an efficient measure of trait aggression. Aggressive Behavior, 40(2), 120-39. (Original work published 1969)