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A Frances

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Widiger, T. ., Cadoret, R. ., Hare, R. ., Robins, L. ., Rutherford, M. ., Zanarini, M. ., … Frances, A. . (1996). DSM-IV antisocial personality disorder field trial. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 105(1), 3-16.
Trull, T. ., Widiger, T. ., & Frances, A. . (1987). Covariation of criteria sets for avoidant, schizoid, and dependent personality disorders. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 144(6), 767-71.
Widiger, T. ., Frances, A. ., & Trull, T. . (1987). A psychometric analysis of the social-interpersonal and cognitive-perceptual items for the schizotypal personality disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 44(8), 741-5.
Widiger, T. ., & Frances, A. . (1987). Definitions and diagnoses: a brief response to Morey and McNamara. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 96(3), 286-7.
Widiger, T. ., Frances, A. ., Spitzer, R. ., & Williams, J. . (1988). The DSM-III-R personality disorders: an overview. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 145(7), 786-95.
Frances, A. ., & Widiger, T. . (1988). Treating self-defeating personality disorder. Hospital & Community Psychiatry, 39(8), 819-21.
Frances, A. ., Pincus, H. ., Widiger, T. ., Davis, W. ., & First, M. . (1990). DSM-IV: work in progress. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 147(11), 1439-48.
Pincus, H. ., Frances, A. ., Davis, W. ., First, M. ., & Widiger, T. . (1992). DSM-IV and new diagnostic categories: holding the line on proliferation. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 149(1), 112-7.
Frances, A. ., Miele, G. ., Widiger, T. ., Pincus, H. ., Manning, D. ., & Davis, W. . The classification of panic disorders: from Freud to DSM-IV. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 27 Suppl 1, 3-10. (Original work published 1993)
Frances, A. ., Mack, A. ., First, M. ., Widiger, T. ., Ross, R. ., Forman, L. ., & Davis, W. . (1994). DMS-IV meets philosophy. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 19(3), 207-18.