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M Amelot

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Foucault, A. ., Amelot, M. ., Gomes, S. ., Champ-Rigot, L. ., Saloux, E. ., Pellissier, A. ., … Milliez, P. . (2012). Primary prevention with a defibrillator: are therapies always really optimized before implantation?. Europace : European Pacing, Arrhythmias, and Cardiac Electrophysiology : Journal of the Working Groups on Cardiac Pacing, Arrhythmias, and Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology of the European Society of Cardiology, 14(11), 1572-7.
Amelot, M. ., Foucault, A. ., Scanu, P. ., Gomes, S. ., Champ-Rigot, L. ., Pellissier, A. ., & Milliez, P. . (2011). Comparison of outcomes in patients with abandoned versus extracted implantable cardioverter defibrillator leads. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases, 104(11), 572-7.