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D Holmes

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O’Byrne, P. ., Holmes, D. ., & Roy, M. . (2015). Counselling about HIV serological status disclosure: nursing practice or law enforcement? a Foucauldian reflection. Nursing Inquiry, 22(2), 134-46.
Foth, T. ., O’Byrne, P. ., & Holmes, D. . (2016). Health prevention in the era of biosocieties: a critical analysis of the ’Seek-and-Treat’ paradigm in HIV/AIDS prevention. Nursing Inquiry, 23(2), 99-108.
Rahaman, Z. ., Holmes, D. ., & Chartrand, L. . (2017). An Opportunity for Healing and Holistic Care: Exploring the Roles of Health Care Providers Working Within Northern Canadian Aboriginal Communities. Journal of Holistic Nursing : Official Journal of the American Holistic Nurses’ Association, 35(2), 185-197.
Foth, T. ., & Holmes, D. . (2017). Neoliberalism and the government of nursing through competency-based education. Nursing Inquiry, 24(2).
Corneau, P. ., Jacob, J. ., Holmes, D. ., & Rioux, D. . (2017). Understanding the use of mechanical restraints in psychiatry: phenomenological study of nurses’lived experience . Recherche En Soins Infirmiers, (128), 41-53.
Holmes, D. ., & Gagnon, M. . (2018). Power, discourse, and resistance: Poststructuralist influences in nursing. Nursing Philosophy : An International Journal for Healthcare Professionals, 19(1).
Berquist, R. ., St-Pierre, I. ., & Holmes, D. . (2018). Uncaring Nurses: Mobilizing Power, Knowledge, Difference, and Resistance to Explain Workplace Violence in Academia. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 32(2), 199-215. (Original work published 2018)
Foth, T. ., & Holmes, D. . (2018). Governing through lifestyle-Lalonde and the biopolitical management of public health in Canada. Nursing Philosophy : An International Journal for Healthcare Professionals, 19(4), e12222.
Pariseau-Legault, P. ., Holmes, D. ., & Murray, S. . (2019). Understanding human enhancement technologies through critical phenomenology. Nursing Philosophy : An International Journal for Healthcare Professionals, 20(1), e12229.