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B Scolnick

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Scolnick, B. . (2019). Antihistamine agents and pitolisant might be useful for anorexia nervosa. Medical Hypotheses, 132, 109342.
Peyser, D. ., Scolnick, B. ., Hildebrandt, T. ., & Taylor, J. . (2021). Heart rate variability as a biomarker for anorexia nervosa: A review. European Eating Disorders Review : The Journal of the Eating Disorders Association, 29(1), 20-31.
Calabrese, L. ., Scolnick, B. ., Zupec-Kania, B. ., Beckwith, C. ., Costello, K. ., & Frank, G. . (2022). Ketogenic diet and ketamine infusion treatment to target chronic persistent eating disorder psychopathology in anorexia nervosa: a pilot study. Eating and Weight Disorders : EWD. (Original work published 2022)