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MC Picot

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Maimoun, L. ., Renard, E. ., Lefebvre, P. ., Bertet, H. ., Philibert, P. ., Seneque, M. ., … Guillaume, S. . (2019). Oral contraceptives partially protect from bone loss in young women with anorexia nervosa. Fertility and Sterility, 111(5), 1020-1029.e2.
Maimoun, L. ., Renard, E. ., Huguet, H. ., Lefebvre, P. ., , Mahadea, K. ., … Mariano-Goulart, D. . (2021). The quantitative ultrasound method for assessing low bone mass in women with anorexia nervosa. Archives of Osteoporosis, 16(1), 13. (Original work published 2021)