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C Iranzo-Tatay

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Arribas, P. ., Iranzo-Tatay, C. ., Rojo-Bofill, L. ., García-Blanco, A. ., Conesa, L. ., Plumed, J. ., … Rojo-Moreno, L. . (2018). Changes in genetic and environmental influences on disordered eating between pre-menarche and postmenarche girls. A twin study. Actas Espanolas De Psiquiatria, 46(5), 192-9. Retrieved from
Iranzo-Tatay, C. ., Hervas-Marin, D. ., Rojo-Bofill, L. ., Garcia, D. ., Vaz-Leal, F. ., Calabria, I. ., … Rojo-Moreno, L. . (2022). Genome-wide DNA methylation profiling in anorexia nervosa discordant identical twins. Translational Psychiatry, 12(1), 15. (Original work published 2022)