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DC Tippett

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Berube, S. ., Nonnemacher, J. ., Demsky, C. ., Glenn, S. ., Saxena, S. ., Wright, A. ., … Hillis, A. . (2018). Stealing Cookies in the Twenty-First Century: Measures of Spoken Narrative in Healthy Versus Speakers With Aphasia. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 1-9. (Original work published 2018)
Shahid, H. ., Sebastian, R. ., Tippett, D. ., Saxena, S. ., Wright, A. ., Hanayik, T. ., … Hillis, A. . (2018). Regional Brain Dysfunction Associated with Semantic Errors in Comprehension. Seminars in Speech and Language, 39(1), 79-86.
Sebastian, R. ., Saxena, S. ., Tsapkini, K. ., Faria, A. ., Long, C. ., Wright, A. ., … Hillis, A. . Cerebellar tDCS: A Novel Approach to Augment Language Treatment Post-stroke. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10, 695. (Original work published 2016)
Hillis, A. ., Beh, Y. ., Sebastian, R. ., Breining, B. ., Tippett, D. ., Wright, A. ., … Fridriksson, J. . (2018). Predicting recovery in acute poststroke aphasia. Annals of Neurology, 83(3), 612-622.