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Topology Seminar

Topology Seminar

Title:  The Algebraic K-Theory of Varieties 

Abstract:  The Grothendieck ring of varieties is a fundamental object of study for algebraic geometers. As with all Grothendieck rings, one may hope that it arises as π0 of a K-theory spectrum, K(Vark). Using her formalism of assemblers, Zahkarevich showed that this is in fact the case. I'll present an alternate construction of the spectrum that allows us to quickly see the E-structure on K(Vark) and produce various character maps out of K(Vark). I'll end with a conjecture about K(Vark) and iterated K-theory.

745 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Topology Seminar

Title: My preferred proof of the Lefschetz fixed point theorem 

Abstract: There are many different proofs of the Lefschetz fixed point theorem.  The most familiar approach uses simplicial approximation and is often a first example of the power of simplicial homology.  I'll talk about a very different proof that I find much more useful.  This proof requires more input, but it generalizes easily. 


745 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Topology Seminar

Title:  The Freudenthal Suspension Theorem

Abstract:  The Freudenthal suspension theorem asserts that for an (n-1)-connected CW complex X the suspension map from \pi_i(X) to \pi_{i+1}(SX) is an isomorphism for i < 2n - 1 and a surjection for i = 2n - 1. We will introduce relative homotopy groups and the long exact sequence in homotopy groups for a space X and a subspace A. With these tools we will show how the Freudenthal suspension theorem follows from the homotopy excision theorem. Time permitting, we will examine some consequences for homotopy groups of spheres.

745 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Topology Seminar

Title:  An introduction to operads

Abstract:  Operads first arose in the 60's and 70's for the study of loop spaces, but there was a large resurgence of interest in the 90's once connections with Koszul duality, moduli spaces, and representation theory were realized. I will discuss the definition and familiar examples in both topology and algebra. We will see Stasheff polyhedra in the context of loop spaces as well as examples related to moduli spaces.

745 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Topology Seminar

Title:  Introduction to vector bundles and their classifications

Abstract:  We will introduce the definition of a vector bundle and look at a few examples. Next we will look at how to make new vector bundles from old bundles using familiar algebraic operations like direct sum, tensor product, and the pullback. Finally we will discuss classifying isomorphism classes of bundles over a topological space X, and time permitting, we will show these isomorphism classes are in bijection with homotopy classes of maps from X to Grassmanians on R infinity.




745 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Topology Seminar

Title:  Limits, Colimits, and Homotopy . . . Oh, my!

Abstract:  Given maps f: X --> Y and g: X --> Z of topological spaces, we obtain a unique map h: X --> Y x Z that respects the appropriate projections.  This property corresponds more generally to the limit of a diagram of spaces.  In this talk, we will define the limit, colimit, and their homotopy analogs and discuss their universal properties and relative merits/uses.  No prior topological knowledge is assumed.

745 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Topology Seminar

Title:  Eilenberg-MacLane Spaces

Abstract:  A space X is a K(G,n)  if \pi_n(X)=G and \pi_i(X)=0 if i\neq n. An interesting aspect is that the homotopy type of a CW comples K(G,n) is uniquely determined by G and n. We will investigate the construction of K(G,1), otherwise known as BG, for an arbitrary (discrete) group G, the homology of K(G,1) spaces, and the infinite symmetric product SP(X).

745 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Topology Seminar

Title:  Homotopy groups of character varieties

Abstract:  Given a discrete group \Gamma and a (complex reductive or compact) Lie group G, the character variety X_r (G) is the quotient for the conjugation action of G on Hom(\Gamma, G). When G is complex reductive, this quotient should be interpreted in the sense of Geometric Invariant Theory. When G = GL(n) or SL(n), the subspace of irreducible representation coincides with the smooth locus of X_r (G). The rational homology of these spaces has been studied in various cases by a number of authors, and when G = U(n) or SU(n), the homotopy type of the stable moduli spaces X_r (U) and X_r (SU) are explicitly known. In this talk I'll discuss recent progress on understanding low-dimensional homotopy (and integral homology) of character varieties and of their subspaces of irreducible representations. This is joint work with Indranil Biswas, Carlos Florentino, and Sean Lawton.

745 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Topology Seminar

Title:  The Other Signature Theorem

Abstract:  The celebrated Hirzebruch’s Signature Theorem expresses the signature of an oriented 4k-dimensional manifold as a characteristic number in cohomology with rational coefficients. I will discuss a similar result for the Kervaire invariant of a spin manifold that involves characteristic numbers in real K-theory.  The presentation will be non-technical and will require very little knowledge of algebraic topology.

745 Patterson Office Tower
Event Series:

Topology Seminar

Title:  The Jones Polynomial

Abstract:  Knot Theory is a subject in topology that studies embeddings of $S^1$ in $\mathbb{R}^3$. We call these embeddings 'knots' (hence 'Knot Theory').  In this talk, we will discuss some of the basic ideas in the subject of Knot Theory.  We will then discuss and give a construction for a useful knot invariant called the Jones Polynomial.


745 Patterson Office Tower
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