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David Nemer

Research Interests:
cultural geography
Critical Social Theory
Anthropology of Development
critical information studies
Science and Technology Studies
ethnography of science and technology
Cultural and Media Studies
David Nemer

Dr. Nemer research and teaching interests cover the intersection of ICT for Development (ICT4D), science and technology studies (STS), postcolonial STS, and human-computer interaction (HCI). Nemer is an ethnographer who is specifically interested in studying ICTs in less industrialized parts of the world to understand the effects of ICTs on the development and empowerment of marginalized communities. His current fieldworks include Slums of Vitória, Brazil; Havana, Cuba; and Eastern Kentucky, Appalachia. Nemer is the author of Favela Digital: The other side of technology (Editora GSA, 2013). He holds a Ph.D. in Informatics (Computing, Culture, and Society) from Indiana University and an MSc in Computer Science from Saarland University.

Selected Publications:

Nemer, D., & O'Neill, J. (2019). Rethinking MOOCs: The Promises for Better Education in India. International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human Development (IJICTHD), 11(1), 36-50.

Nemer, D. (2019). Repensando as Desigualdades Digitais: as promessas da Web 2.0 para os Marginalizados. Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, 15(35).

Nemer, D. (2018). Wired mobile phones: the case of community technology centers in favelas of Brazil. Information Technology for Development. 24(3). 461-481.

Nemer, D. (2018). Going beyond the “T” in “CTC”: Social Practice as Care in Community Technology Centers. Information, 9(6). 135.

Nemer, D. & Tsikerdekis, M. (2017). Political Engagement and ICTs: Internet Use in Marginalized Communities. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 68(6). 1539-1550.

Bentley, C. M., Nemer, D., & Vannini, S. (2017). “When words become unclear”: unmasking ICT through visual methodologies in participatory ICT4D. AI & SOCIETY. (online first)

Vannini, S., Nemer, D., Halabi, A., Sabiescu, A. G., & Salomão, D. (2017). Critical Incident Analysis: mismatching expectations and reconciling visions in intercultural encounters. The Journal of Community Informatics, 13(2).

Nemer, D. (2016). Rethinking Social Change: The Promises of Web 2.0 for the Marginalized. First Monday, 21(6).

Nemer, D. (2016). Online Favela: The Use of Social Media by the Marginalized in Brazil. Information Technology for Development, 23(3). 364-379.